A computer keyboard shortcut is a combination of two or more keys that, when pressed simultaneously, executes a command or action. Keyboard shortcuts are a user interface convention for accelerating the use of a software application.
Typing a letter on a computer keyboard typically assigns a character to that key. For example, pressing the “A” key on a keyboard might produce the letter “a” on the screen. However, many keys on a computer keyboard have two or more functions, depending on whether they are pressed alone or held down while another key is pressed. For example, the “A” key might produce the letter “a” when pressed by itself, but might produce an “ä” when held down while the “^” key is pressed.
Keyboard shortcuts are usually created by pressing two or more keys simultaneously. The command or action that is executed when the keys are pressed is usually displayed on the screen, either in a tooltip or in the status bar. Some keyboard shortcuts are also displayed in the menus of the software application.
In Windows, most keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the Keyboard shortcuts section of the Windows help file. The shortcuts are listed by their keyboard shortcut, the name of the command or action that is executed, and a brief description of the command or action.
Some keyboard shortcuts require that the Num Lock key be turned on. This key is located in the row of keys at the top of the keyboard that has the numbers 1 through 9 on it. When the Num Lock key is turned on, the numbers on the keypad can be used to type numbers and special characters. When the Num Lock key is turned off, the keys on the keypad can be used to control the mouse pointer.
In Windows, the following keyboard shortcuts require the Num Lock key to be turned on:
Press the Num Lock key to toggle it on or off.
The following table lists some of the most common keyboard shortcuts in Windows.
Table: Common Windows keyboard shortcuts
Command or Action
Keyboard Shortcut
Copies the selected text or object to the Clipboard.
Cuts the selected text or object and copies it to the Clipboard.
Pasts the contents of the Clipboard into the selected location.
Undoes the last action that was performed.
Redoes the last action that was undone.
Select All
Selects all the text or objects in the current location.
Opens the selected file or folder.
Closes the current file or folder.
Saves the current file or folder.
Prints the current file or folder.
Window key+M
Minimizes the current window.
Window key+Up arrow
Maximizes the current window.
Window key+Down arrow
Restores the current window to its previous size.
Close Window
Window key+F4
Closes the current window.
There are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts in Windows. The following websites offer a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows:
Microsoft Windows Keyboard Shortcuts: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17074/windows-keyboard-shortcuts
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts: https://www.techradar
What are the 20 shortcut keys?
There are many different keyboard shortcuts that you can use to make your work easier. Here are the 20 most common keyboard shortcuts:
1. CTRL+C: Copy
2. CTRL+X: Cut
3. CTRL+V: Paste
4. CTRL+Z: Undo
5. CTRL+Y: Redo
6. CTRL+A: Select All
7. CTRL+B: Bold
8. CTRL+I: Italic
9. CTRL+U: Underline
10. CTRL+F: Find
11. CTRL+H: Find and Replace
12. CTRL+G: Go to
13. CTRL+L: Align Left
14. CTRL+R: Align Right
15. CTRL+E: Center
16. CTRL+J: Justify
17. CTRL+1: Single Line Spacing
18. CTRL+2: Double Line Spacing
19. CTRL+5: 1.5 Line Spacing
20. CTRL+9: No Spacing
What are the 100 shortcut keys?
There are many keyboard shortcuts that can make your work on a computer faster and easier. Here are the 100 most common keyboard shortcuts:
1. Ctrl+C: Copy
2. Ctrl+X: Cut
3. Ctrl+V: Paste
4. Ctrl+Z: Undo
5. Ctrl+Y: Redo
6. Ctrl+A: Select All
7. Ctrl+F: Find
8. Ctrl+H: Replace
9. Ctrl+B: Bold
10. Ctrl+I: Italic
11. Ctrl+U: Underline
12. Ctrl+N: New
13. Ctrl+O: Open
14. Ctrl+S: Save
15. Ctrl+P: Print
16. Ctrl+Q: Quit
17. Ctrl+F4: Close
18. Ctrl+Tab: Switch Between Open Windows
19. Alt+Tab: Switch Between Open Applications
20. Ctrl+Esc: Open the Start Menu
21. Windows Key: Open the Start Menu
22. Alt+F4: Close the current application
23. F1: Open the Help Menu
24. Ctrl+F1: Minimize all windows
25. Shift+F10: Open the context menu for the selected item
26. F2: Rename the selected item
27. Ctrl+Z: Undo the rename
28. F3: Search for a file or folder
29. Ctrl+Shift+N: Create a new folder
30. Alt+Enter: View the properties for the selected item
31. Ctrl+Mouse Wheel: Zoom in or out of the current window
32. Alt+Print Screen: Create a screenshot of the active window
33. Ctrl+Alt+Delete: Open the Windows Task Manager
34. Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the Windows Task Manager
35. Alt+Spacebar: Open the shortcut menu for the active window
36. Ctrl+Tab: Cycle through the open tabs in your web browser
37. Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Cycle through the open tabs in reverse order
38. Ctrl+F5: Refresh the current web page
39. Ctrl+W: Close the current tab or window
40. Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopen the last closed tab
41. Ctrl+K: Open the Address Bar
42. Ctrl+L: Open the Location Bar
43. Alt+D: Select the Address Bar
44. Ctrl+E: Select the Search Bar
45. Ctrl+F: Select the previous search engine
46. Ctrl+G: Open the Google search engine
47. Ctrl+U: Open the Yahoo! search engine
48. Ctrl+I: Open the Microsoft Bing search engine
49. F6: Cycle through the open items in the current window
50. Esc: Close the current item or window
51. Tab: Cycle through the elements in the current window
52. Shift+Tab: Cycle through the elements in reverse order
53. Home: Go to the beginning of the current line
54. End: Go to the end of the current line
55. Ctrl+Home: Go to the beginning of the document
56. Ctrl+End: Go to the end of the document
57. Ctrl+Left arrow: Move the cursor one word to the left
58. Ctrl+Right arrow: Move the cursor one word to the right
59. Ctrl+Up arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the current paragraph
60. Ctrl+Down arrow: Move the cursor to the end of the current paragraph
61. Alt+Left arrow:
What are the Ctrl A to Z?
Ctrl A to Z are keyboard shortcuts that allow users to quickly and easily navigate and interact with their computer. By pressing Ctrl and a letter key at the same time, users can perform a variety of tasks, such as selecting all the text on a page, or opening a new tab.
Each letter in Ctrl A to Z corresponds to a different shortcut. For example, Ctrl A selects all the text on a page, Ctrl C copies it, Ctrl V pastes it, and Ctrl Z undoes the last action.
Ctrl B makes text bold, Ctrl I makes it italicized, and Ctrl U makes it underlined. Ctrl H highlights all the text on a page, and Ctrl J creates a new line.
Ctrl K inserts a hyperlink, Ctrl L makes text flush left, and Ctrl Q makes text justify. Ctrl S saves a document, Ctrl T opens a new tab, and Ctrl W closes the current tab.
Ctrl + and Ctrl – zoom in and out, respectively, and Ctrl = sets the text size to the default. Ctrl F opens the find bar, Ctrl G jumps to the next find match, and Ctrl H opens the find and replace bar.
Ctrl Tab switches between open tabs, and Ctrl + (plus sign) and Ctrl – (minus sign) scrolls through open tabs. Ctrl Num+ and Ctrl Num- increase and decrease the font size, respectively, and Ctrl F11 toggles the full-screen mode.
Ctrl Alt Shift (plus sign) and Ctrl Alt Shift (minus sign) switches between keyboard layouts. Ctrl Alt (left arrow) and Ctrl Alt (right arrow) moves the cursor left and right one word at a time, and Ctrl Alt (up arrow) and Ctrl Alt (down arrow) scrolls through the text one line at a time.
Ctrl PrtScr saves a screenshot of the current screen to the clipboard, and Ctrl Alt PrtScr saves a screenshot of the active window to the clipboard.
Ctrl Alt (left arrow) and Ctrl Alt (right arrow) moves the cursor left and right one word at a time, and Ctrl Alt (up arrow) and Ctrl Alt (down arrow) scrolls through the text one line at a time.
Ctrl PrtScr saves a screenshot of the current screen to the clipboard, and Ctrl Alt PrtScr saves a screenshot of the active window to the clipboard.
What are the 30 shortcut keys?
There are lots of different ways to work faster on a computer, and keyboard shortcuts are one of the best. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can avoid using the mouse as much, which can save you time.
There are many different keyboard shortcuts, but here are 30 of the most useful ones:
Ctrl+C: Copy
Ctrl+X: Cut
Ctrl+V: Paste
Ctrl+Z: Undo
Ctrl+A: Select all
Ctrl+S: Save
Ctrl+F: Find
Ctrl+P: Print
Ctrl+B: Bold
Ctrl+I: Italic
Ctrl+U: Underline
Ctrl+F4: Close current window
Ctrl+Tab: Cycle through open programs
Alt+Tab: Cycle through open programs (alternate)
Shift+Alt+Tab: Cycle through open programs (reverse)
Windows Logo+L: Lock computer
Windows Logo+D: Show desktop
Windows Logo+M: Minimize all windows
Windows Logo+F: Search for a file or program
Windows Logo+G: Cycle through screens in a presentation
Windows Logo+H: Hide all windows
Windows Logo+1: Maximize the window on the left
Windows Logo+2: Maximize the window on the right
Windows Logo+3: Maximize the window in the middle
Windows Logo+4: Make the window smaller
Windows Logo+5: Restore the window to its original size
Windows Logo+6: Minimize the window to the taskbar
Windows Logo+8: Toggle between showing the desktop and the last active window
Windows Logo+Esc: Open the Start menu
What are the 50 shortcut keys of computer?
There are many keyboard shortcuts that can make your computer use faster and easier. Here are 50 of the most common shortcuts:
F1 – Opens Help.
F2 – Edits the selected text.
F3 – Opens the Find dialog.
F4 – Repeats the last action.
F5 – Refreshes the current page.
F6 – Goes to the Address bar.
F7 – Opens the Keyboard Properties dialog.
F8 – Starts or resumes Windows in Safe Mode.
F9 – Opens the Send to menu.
F10 – Activates the Menu bar.
F11 – Goes to the next full screen window.
F12 – Opens the Save as dialog.
Ctrl+A – Selects all text.
Ctrl+B – Italicizes the selected text.
Ctrl+C – Copies the selected text.
Ctrl+D – Deletes the selected text.
Ctrl+F – Opens the Find dialog.
Ctrl+G – Goes to a specific line number.
Ctrl+H – Opens the Find and Replace dialog.
Ctrl+I – Italicizes the selected text.
Ctrl+K – Inserts a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L – Goes to the Address bar.
Ctrl+N – Opens a new window.
Ctrl+O – Opens a file.
Ctrl+P – Prints the current document.
Ctrl+R – Goes to the last line of the document.
Ctrl+S – Saves the current document.
Ctrl+U – Underlines the selected text.
Ctrl+V – Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Ctrl+X – Cuts the selected text.
Ctrl+Z – Undoes the last action.
Ctrl+Shift+Z – Redoes the last action.
Shift+End – Selects all text from the cursor to the end of the line.
Shift+Home – Selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl+Shift+Home – Selects all text from the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl+Shift+End – Selects all text from the cursor to the end of the document.
What is function of F1 to F12 keys?
The F1 to F12 keys on a computer keyboard have several different functions, depending on the operating system and the program being used. On a Windows computer, for example, the F1 key typically opens the Help file for the program that is currently active, while the F12 key is used to print a document.
The F1 to F12 keys can also be used to control the volume on a computer, as well as to change the screen brightness, to put the computer to sleep, or to log out of the current user account. Additionally, on some computers, the F1 to F12 keys can be used to control special features or settings for the currently active program, such as the brightness or contrast of the screen in a video editor, or the speed and intensity of the sound effects in a video game.
What are the 25 shortcut keys in computer?
There are many keyboard shortcuts in computer. Here are the 25 most common ones:
1. Ctrl + A – Select all text.
2. Ctrl + C – Copy selected text.
3. Ctrl + X – Cut selected text.
4. Ctrl + V – Paste text.
5. Ctrl + Z – Undo last action.
6. Ctrl + B – Bold text.
7. Ctrl + I – Italicize text.
8. Ctrl + U – Underline text.
9. Ctrl + F – Find text.
10. Ctrl + G – Find next instance of text.
11. Ctrl + H – Find and replace text.
12. Ctrl + P – Print document.
13. Ctrl + S – Save document.
14. Ctrl + A – Select all text.
15. Ctrl + D – Delete selected text.
16. Ctrl + E – Center text.
17. Ctrl + J – Justify text.
18. Ctrl + L – Left align text.
19. Ctrl + R – Right align text.
20. Ctrl + M – Indent text.
21. Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase font size.
22. Ctrl + Shift + < – Decrease font size.
23. Ctrl + 1 – Single-space lines.
24. Ctrl + 2 – Double-space lines.
25. Ctrl + Enter – Insert a line break.