Computer Os Market Share

The computer operating system (OS) market is a rapidly changing and fiercely competitive market. In order to stay ahead of the curve, it is important for businesses to keep up with the latest market trends and understand the market share for the various computer OSs.

The market for computer OSs is currently dominated by Microsoft Windows, with a market share of around 87%. Apple’s MacOS is a distant second, with a market share of around 11%. The remaining 2% is shared by a variety of different OSs, including Linux, Chrome OS, and FreeBSD.

Windows has been the dominant OS for many years, and its market share has remained relatively stable. However, MacOS has seen a steady increase in market share over the past few years. This can be largely attributed to the popularity of Apple’s iPhone and iPad, which run on MacOS.

The market for computer OSs is expected to grow in the future, as more and more businesses move to digital modes of communication. Windows is expected to remain the dominant OS, but MacOS is expected to continue to gain market share.

What OS has the largest market share?

What is the most popular operating system in the world?

This is a difficult question to answer definitively because there are a variety of factors to consider, including the operating system’s installed base, market share, and how often it is used. However, according to a report by Net Applications, Windows is the most popular operating system in the world, with a market share of 87.8%.

Linux is a distant second, with a market share of 2.9%. MacOS is in third place, with a market share of 2.5%. And finally, Chrome OS has a market share of 0.2%.

Windows’ dominant market share is largely due to its widespread use in businesses and governments. Linux is more popular in the consumer market, while MacOS is more popular among individual users. Chrome OS is used mainly in the education sector.

What are the 10 most popular operating system in computers?

There are a variety of different operating systems available for computers, but some are more popular than others. Here are the 10 most popular operating systems in the world:

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1. Windows – Windows is the most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of computers. It is produced by Microsoft, and is available in a variety of different versions, including Windows 10.

2. MacOS – MacOS is the second most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of Apple computers. It is produced by Apple, and is only available on Apple computers.

3. Android – Android is the third most popular operating system in the world, and is used on billions of smartphones and tablets. It is produced by Google, and is available in a variety of different versions, including Android 8.0.

4. iOS – iOS is the fourth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on billions of iPhones and iPads. It is produced by Apple, and is only available on Apple devices.

5. Linux – Linux is the fifth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of computers. It is produced by Linus Torvalds, and is available in a variety of different versions.

6. Windows Phone – Windows Phone is the sixth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of smartphones. It is produced by Microsoft, and is based on the Windows operating system.

7. BlackBerry – BlackBerry is the seventh most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of smartphones. It is produced by BlackBerry, and is based on the Android operating system.

8. Ubuntu – Ubuntu is the eighth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of computers. It is produced by Canonical, and is based on the Linux operating system.

9. Chrome OS – Chrome OS is the ninth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of Chromebooks. It is produced by Google, and is based on the Chrome browser.

10. Tizen – Tizen is the tenth most popular operating system in the world, and is used on millions of smartphones and TVs. It is produced by Samsung, and is based on the Linux operating system.

Which computer OS is most used?

Windows, Mac, or Linux?

Which computer operating system (OS) is most used in the world? According to NetMarketShare, in March 2017, Windows was used by 88.8% of all desktop users, Mac by 7.3%, and Linux by 0.7%. However, when you look at web usage, the percentages are very different. StatCounter reports that in March 2017, Windows had a usage share of only 40.2%, Mac was at 26.9%, and Linux was at 2.9%.

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There are a few reasons for this discrepancy. First, web usage includes mobile devices, which typically run Android or iOS, not Windows, Mac, or Linux. Second, not everyone uses the same operating system on their desktop and their web browser. Windows users, for example, may use Firefox on their desktop but Chrome on their phone.

So, which computer OS is most used in the world? It depends on how you measure it. If you include mobile devices, Android is most used, with a global market share of 61.8% in March 2017, according to StatCounter. If you only include desktop users, Windows is most used, with a market share of 88.8%.

What are the 3 most popular OS?

There are a variety of different operating systems available on the market today. However, some are more popular than others. Here are three of the most popular operating systems:

Windows: Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. It is owned by Microsoft and is used on personal computers, laptops, and tablets.

MacOS: MacOS is owned by Apple and is used on Mac computers. It is known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of applications available.

Linux: Linux is an open source operating system that is free to download and use. It is popular among hackers and developers, and is used on a variety of devices, including smartphones and routers.

Is Windows losing market share?

Windows is losing market share, but it’s still the most popular operating system in the world.

Windows has been the most popular operating system in the world for many years, but it is now starting to lose market share to other platforms. In the third quarter of 2017, Windows had a market share of 83.3%, but this figure is now down to 81.7%.

There are a number of reasons for this decline. Firstly, the market for PCs is shrinking, as more and more people are using smartphones and tablets instead. Secondly, Windows is no longer the only option for desktop computing. MacOS and Linux are both growing in popularity, and there are now a number of different distributions of Linux that are aimed at different users.

Windows is still the most popular operating system in the world, but its market share is declining. If Microsoft doesn’t address these issues, it could soon lose its position at the top.

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Which OS has a bigger market share and why?

There are a lot of different operating systems in the world, but which one has the biggest market share and why?

Windows is the most popular operating system in the world, with a market share of around 87%. This is largely due to the fact that it is the default operating system for most PCs.

Apple’s operating system, macOS, has a market share of around 12%. This is largely due to the fact that Apple’s products are popular among wealthier consumers.

Linux has a market share of around 1.5%. This is due to the fact that it is an open source operating system that is free to use.

Each operating system has its own strengths and weaknesses. Windows is the most popular operating system because it is easy to use and it has a large selection of software available. macOS is popular among wealthier consumers because it is stable and has a good selection of exclusive apps. Linux is popular among tech-savvy users because it is open source and it can be customized to fit their needs.

Is Linux really better than Windows?

Windows and Linux are both operating systems that can run on PCs. They have different features, and people often argue about which one is better.

Linux was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. It is an open source operating system, which means that the code is freely available for anyone to see and modify. This makes Linux more secure, as it is easier to spot vulnerabilities and fix them.

Linux is also more customisable than Windows. Users can change the look and feel of the operating system, and can even create their own versions of Linux.

Linux is also more lightweight than Windows, meaning that it uses fewer system resources and can run on older hardware.

However, Linux is not as user-friendly as Windows, and can be more difficult to set up and use. It can also be more expensive to purchase software for Linux compared to Windows.

In conclusion, Linux is a more secure, customisable, and lightweight operating system than Windows. However, it is not as user-friendly and can be more expensive to use.