The Apple iMac is a desktop computer that comes with a CD/DVD drive built-in. This means that you can insert a CD or DVD into the drive and use it like you would on any other computer. However, if you want to eject the CD or DVD from the iMac, there are a few steps you need to take.
First, make sure the CD or DVD is completely inserted into the drive. If the CD or DVD is not completely inserted, it will not eject.
Next, locate the eject button on the front of the iMac. It is a small circular button located in the top-right corner of the drive.
Press and hold the eject button for a few seconds. You should see the CD or DVD start to eject from the drive.
Once the CD or DVD is ejected, you can take it out of the drive.
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Where is the eject button on a Mac?
The eject button is located in the top-left corner of the keyboard, next to the power button.
How do you eject a CD from a Mac that doesn’t show up?
There are a few ways to eject a CD from a Mac that doesn’t show up. If the CD doesn’t show up in the Finder, try using one of these methods:
– Control-click on the disc icon in the Dock, then choose Eject from the shortcut menu.
– If the disc doesn’t appear in the Dock, open the Applications folder in the Finder, and then open the Utilities folder. Double-click on the Disk Utility application, and then select the disc in the list on the left. Click the Eject button in the toolbar, or choose Eject from the File menu.
– If the disc doesn’t appear in Disk Utility, restart your computer and try again.
If the CD still doesn’t eject, try one of these methods:
– Hold down the mouse button on the disc icon and drag it to the Trash.
– Press the key combination Command-E.
– Hold down the power button on your Mac for five seconds to turn it off, then turn it back on. After your Mac starts up, insert the CD and try again.
How do you eject an external CD from a Mac?
There are a few ways to eject an external CD from a Mac. One way is to use the Eject button on the keyboard. Another way is to use the Finder.
To use the Eject button on the keyboard, press the Eject key, which is located in the top row of the keyboard, to the right of the power button.
To use the Finder, open a Finder window and locate the CD. Drag the CD to the Trash icon in the Dock or press Command-Delete.
How do I eject a stuck CD from my IMAC 27?
If you’re having trouble ejecting a CD from your IMAC 27, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure the CD is properly inserted into the drive. If it’s not, eject it and try again. If the CD is properly inserted, try using the keyboard shortcut to eject the CD. To do this, press the Command (⌘) and E keys at the same time. If this doesn’t work, try using the mouse to eject the CD. To do this, select the CD in the Finder, then click the Eject button in the toolbar. If none of these methods work, you may need to force eject the CD. To do this, press and hold the power button on your IMAC for about 5 seconds until the computer turns off. Then, press the power button again to turn the computer back on. The IMAC will automatically eject the CD.
What does the Eject icon look like on a Mac?
The eject icon on a Mac is a small lightbulb. This means that the device is currently ejecting.
How do I eject a stuck CD?
CDs are a popular means of storing digital data, but they can become stuck in CD drives, making them difficult to remove. There are several ways to try to remove a stuck CD.
The first thing to try is to gently push on the CD to see if it will pop out. If that doesn’t work, try using a paper clip or a straightened out metal coat hanger to try to pry the CD out. If the CD is still stuck, try using a vacuum cleaner to suck out the air from around the CD. If that still doesn’t work, you may need to take the CD drive apart to remove the CD.
What is eject symbol on Mac?
The eject symbol on Mac is used to eject a CD or DVD from the computer. To eject a CD or DVD, click on the eject symbol in the Dock and hold down the mouse button until the CD or DVD pops out.