How To Make Cd In Doodle God

In Doodle God, making a CD is a simple process. All you need is a CD, some music files, and the ability to create folders and drag and drop files.

To create a CD in Doodle God, first create a new folder. This will be the folder where you put all the files for your CD. Then, drag and drop the music files you want into the folder.

Once you have all the music files in the folder, it’s time to create the CD. In Doodle God, this is done by creating a new file and naming it “CD.ISO”. This file will contain all the information about your CD, including the track listings and the file paths of the music files.

To create the CD.ISO file, open a new text document and copy and paste the following text into it:



Path of files

Music files

Save the document as “CD.ISO”.

The “Path of files” line is important – it tells Doodle God where to find the music files on your computer. Make sure the paths are correct, or the CD won’t work.

Once you have the CD.ISO file, burn it to a CD. This can be done with most CD burning software. Once the CD is burned, you can play it in any CD player.

How do you make music in Doodle God?

In Doodle God, making music is as simple as clicking on the note icons and dragging them onto the staff. However, there are a few things to consider in order to produce a good melody.

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Each of the 12 notes on the staff corresponds to a certain pitch, or frequency. The higher the note, the higher the pitch. In order to create a melody, you’ll need to select a few notes that sound good together and make sure they’re in the correct order.

You can also use the octave buttons to change the pitch of a note. The higher octave is always an octave higher than the lower octave.

The duration of a note also affects its sound. A short note sounds different than a long note, even if both notes are the same pitch.

Once you’ve selected your notes, you can drag them around the staff to change their order. You can also change the duration of each note by clicking and dragging the ends.

When you’re finished, you can export your melody as a MIDI file or save it as a project file.

How do I make a computer in Doodle God?

In the popular puzzle game Doodle God, one of the ultimate goals is to create a computer. This can be a little confusing for players who are new to the game, so here is a guide on how to make a computer in Doodle God.

The first step is to create the basic components of a computer. This includes things like the microprocessor, motherboard, and memory. To create these items, you will need the elements of air, earth, fire, and water.

The microprocessor is made up of the elements of air and fire. The motherboard is made up of the elements of earth and water. And the memory is made up of the elements of air and water.

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Once you have created these basic components, the next step is to create the software that will run on the computer. This is made up of the elements of air, earth, fire, and water.

The software is created by combining the four elements in the following ways:

Air + Earth = Program

Air + Fire = Software

Earth + Water = Operating System

Fire + Water = Application

How do you make hacker in Doodle God?

In the game Doodle God, one of the elements you can create is hacker. But how do you make hacker in Doodle God?

The easiest way to make hacker in Doodle God is to combine computer and thief. However, there are other ways to make hacker in Doodle God.

One way to make hacker in Doodle God is to combine computer and internet. Another way to make hacker in Doodle God is to combine computer and virus. And yet another way to make hacker in Doodle God is to combine computer and code.

No matter how you make hacker in Doodle God, it’s an important element in the game. Hackers can help you get past security measures and access confidential information. So if you’re looking to create a hacker in Doodle God, these are some of the best combinations to try.

How do you make TV in Doodle God?

Making a TV in Doodle God is a relatively simple process. You’ll need to have the following items in order to make one:

-1 Glass

-1 Copper Pipe

-1 Electricity

Once you have these items, follow these steps:

1. Create a glass using the glass icon.

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2. Connect the copper pipe to the glass using the pipe icon.

3. Connect the electricity to the copper pipe using the electricity icon.

4. Watch TV!

How do you make a freezer in Doodle God?

In Doodle God, you can make a freezer by combining water and ice.

How do you make apple in Doodle God?

Doodle God is an interesting and addictive puzzle game where you can create your own world using different elements. One of the many things you can create in the game is an apple. Here’s how you make one in Doodle God:

First, you need to create the element water. To do this, combine the elements earth and air.

Next, create the element tree. To do this, combine the elements water and earth.

Finally, create the element fruit. To do this, combine the elements tree and water.

The apple will now appear in your world.

How do you make a cellphone in Doodle God?

In the popular mobile game Doodle God, one of the things you can create is a cellphone. But how do you make a cellphone in Doodle God?

The process of making a cellphone in Doodle God is actually quite simple. All you need is the following:

– copper

– plastic

– oil

– carbon

To create a cellphone in Doodle God, start by creating copper and plastic. Combine the copper and plastic to create an electronic component. Next, add oil and carbon to the component to create a cellphone.

It’s as simple as that! With these basic ingredients, you can create a cellphone in Doodle God.