Cd Drive Not Showing Up

If your computer doesn’t show a CD drive in File Explorer, it might be hidden.

To show the CD drive, do the following:

On the taskbar, right-click the Show hidden icons arrow, and then click Computer.

In the Computer window, under Devices with Removeable Storage, right-click the CD drive, and then click Show.

How do I make my CD drive visible?

A CD drive is a device that allows you to read and write CDs. By default, it is not visible on your computer, but there are a few ways to make it visible.

One way is to open your …

Playing Dvd Windows 7

In Windows 7, you can play DVDs in two ways: by using Windows Media Player or by using a third-party program.

To play DVDs using Windows Media Player, insert the DVD into your computer’s DVD drive and wait for Windows Media Player to start automatically. If it doesn’t start automatically, open Windows Media Player and click the “DVD” tab.

To play DVDs using a third-party program, insert the DVD into your computer’s DVD drive and wait for the program to start automatically. If it doesn’t start automatically, open the program and click the “Open Disc” or “Open DVD” button.
