How To Clear My Cache On My Computer

Cache is a component of the web browser that stores certain information about websites that you visit. It makes the process of loading a website faster when you visit it again as the browser does not have to retrieve the information again from the internet. However, sometimes the cache can become corrupted or contain outdated information, which can cause problems with the loading of websites. In this article, we will show you how to clear the cache on your computer.

The first thing you need to do is open the web browser on your computer. Then, click on the menu …

How To Clear Cache On My Computer

Clearing your computer’s cache is a relatively easy process that can help improve its performance. This guide will walk you through the steps necessary to clear your cache on a Windows PC.

First, open up your web browser and navigate to the Clear browsing data section. This can usually be found by clicking on the three lines in the top-left corner of the browser window and selecting Settings from the resulting menu.

In the Clear browsing data window, select the beginning of time option from the drop-down menu. Then, check the boxes next to Cookies and other site and plug-in …