Creative Cd Storage Ideas

Nowadays, music is stored on our phones and computers, but there was a time when music was only stored on CDs. If you’re like me, you probably have a lot of CDs lying around that you don’t know what to do with. Here are a few creative CD storage ideas to help you keep your CDs organized and accessible.

If you have a lot of CDs, you can create a CD tower out of PVC pipes. This is a great way to keep your CDs organized and displayed in a visually appealing way. You can buy PVC pipes and connectors …

Cd Case Picture Frames

A cd case picture frame is a great way to show off your favorite photograph or artwork. They are easy to make and can be used to spruce up any room in your home.

To make a cd case picture frame, you will need a cd case, a photo or artwork, a ruler, a pen or pencil, and a pair of scissors.

Start by measuring the height and width of your photo or artwork. Then, measure the height and width of the cd case. Subtract the width of the photo or artwork from the width of the cd case. This …