Who Created The First Computer

The first computer is a term that is used to describe a wide variety of devices, but it is typically used to refer to the first electronic computer. This is the first device that was able to be programmed to perform complex calculations and tasks. There is some debate over who created the first computer, but most historians believe that it was John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry.

John Atanasoff was born in October of 1903 in Bulgaria. He was a math professor at Iowa State University, and he began working on the first electronic computer in 1937. Clifford Berry was …

Ibm’s First Compact Computer

Ibm’s First Compact Computer

In 1952, IBM introduced the IBM 701, the first commercial computer. It was a large, expensive machine that filled an entire room.

In 1961, IBM introduced the IBM 1401, a smaller and more affordable computer.

In 1969, IBM introduced the IBM System/3, the first compact computer.

The System/3 was a small, affordable computer that filled a desk.

It was popular with small businesses and schools.

The System/3 was discontinued in 1973.

What was IBM’s first computer?

IBM’s first computer was the IBM 701, which was announced in 1952. The 701 was a vacuum tube computer, and …

Ibm’s First Compact Computer

Ibm’s First Compact Computer

In 1951, IBM released their first compact computer, the IBM 701. The 701 was a small, suitcase-sized computer that weighed only 45 pounds. It had a keyboard, a monitor, and a printer, and it could be used to perform basic mathematical operations.

The 701 was very popular and was used by a number of large businesses, including AT&T, General Electric, and Ford Motor Company. It was also used by the US military during the Korean War.

The 701 was replaced by the IBM 704 in 1954. The 704 was a more powerful computer that could perform …

What Is The First Computer

The first computer was created in 1876 by Charles Babbage. It was called the Analytical Engine and was able to perform basic mathematical operations. However, it was never completed. The first actual computer was created in 1941 by Konrad Zuse. It was called the Z3 and could perform basic arithmetic and logical operations.

What is the 1st computer?

The first computer was created in 1876 by Charles Babbage. It was called the Analytical Engine and could only be operated by a person.

When was the 1st computer invented?

The first computer was invented in 1876 by Charles Babbage.

Where is

The First Computer Made

The first computer was made in 1876 by Charles Babbage. He called it the Analytical Engine. It could only be programmed by changing the position of gears on the machine.

When was the first computer made?

The first computer was made in 1876 by Charles Babbage.

What was the very 1st computer?

The first computers were created in the early 1800s. However, these were not what we would consider today to be a computer. They were more like mechanical calculators. The first real computer was created in 1876 by Charles Babbage. However, it was never completed. The first computer that …