What Does Cd Mean In Pregnancy

What does CD mean in pregnancy?

CD stands for “cervical diameter.” It is a measure of the width of the cervical canal. The cervical canal is the opening through which the baby passes during labor.

The cervical diameter is measured during a cervical exam. It is one of the ways that doctors determine if a woman is in labor.

The cervical diameter may also be used to predict the likelihood of a cesarean section. A woman with a cervical diameter of less than 2.5 cm is more likely to require a cesarean section.

What CD is ovulation?

What CD is …

What Does Cd Mean On Tinder

What does CD mean on Tinder?

The “CD” abbreviation on Tinder can mean a few different things. It could stand for “certified death” (meaning the person has passed away), “carbon copy” (meaning the person is a duplicate of someone else), or “confirmed date” (meaning the person has agreed to go on a date with the other person).

What does CD mean in a text?

CD stands for “carbon copy.” When someone sends a message to multiple people, they might use CD to indicate to the other recipients that they should also copy the sender on their response.

What does CD