How To Backup Computer

A computer is a very important part of our lives, and we rely on it to store our important files and memories. So what happens if our computer crashes and we lose everything? The best way to protect ourselves from this scenario is to back up our computer regularly.

There are many ways to back up a computer. The most common way is to use an external hard drive. An external hard drive plugs into your computer’s USB port and stores your files. You can also use a cloud storage service, which stores your files on a remote server. Cloud …

Computer Backup Programs Free

There are a number of computer backup programs free to consumers. Some of the most popular are Apple’s iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, and Google Drive. These services allow users to back up their data to a remote server, which can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.

iCloud is Apple’s backup service. It comes pre-installed on all Apple devices, and offers 5GB of free storage. iCloud can back up photos, videos, documents, app data, and more.

OneDrive is Microsoft’s backup service. It comes pre-installed on all Windows devices, and offers 5GB of free storage. OneDrive can back up photos, …