Computer History History Physical

In the early days of computing, the only way to interact with a computer was through a keyboard and a monitor. However, with the development of touch screens and voice recognition software, people are now able to interact with computers in a more natural way.

One of the earliest computers was the ENIAC, which was developed in the 1940s. It was a massive machine that took up an entire room and was operated by a team of people. The first personal computer, the Apple II, was released in 1977. It was much smaller than the ENIAC and could be operated …

Who Designed The First Programmable Computer

There is no definitive answer to who designed the first programmable computer, as different sources attribute the invention to different people. However, the first programmable computer is generally believed to have been designed by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in 1937.

Atanasoff and Berry’s design was based on the concept of the electronic digital computer, which had been first proposed by Alan Turing in 1936. Unlike earlier computers, which were based on mechanical switches, Atanasoff and Berry’s design used vacuum tubes to store and process information. This made it possible to program the computer to carry out a range of …

Who Invented The First Programmable Computer

The first programmable computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822. He called it the Analytical Engine. It could be programmed to perform any calculation that could be done by hand. However, Babbage never finished building it.

Who was the first programmable computer?

There is no one definitive answer to who was the first programmable computer. Some historians believe that the first programmable computer was the ENIAC, which was built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert in 1946. However, others believe that the first programmable computer was the Manchester Mark 1, which was built by Frederic C. Williams and …