Who Invented The Personal Computer

In 1971, a man named Dr. Alan Kay came up with the idea for the personal computer. He envisioned a device that would allow people to interact with information in […]

Who Invented Personal Computer

Personal computer is an electronic device that is used for general purpose computing. It is a desktop or laptop computer that is small and lightweight enough to be carried around. […]

Invention Of Personal Computer

The personal computer was invented in the early 1970s by a team of engineers at IBM led by William Norris. The first personal computer, the IBM Personal Computer, was released […]

The First Personal Computer

The first personal computer, the MITS Altair 8800, was released in 1975. It was not very user-friendly, as it had no keyboard, monitor, or storage device. It could only be […]

What Year Was The Personal Computer Invented

In 1969, the first personal computer was invented by a man named Alan Turing. The machine was called the “Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer” (ENIAC). It was a large, clunky […]

When Was The Personal Computer Invented

The personal computer was invented in 1971 by a team of engineers at IBM. The team was led by Dr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., the son of IBM’s founder. The […]

When Was The First Computer Created

The first computer was created in 1876 by Charles Babbage. When was the 1st computer invented? When was the first computer invented? The first computer was invented in 1876 by […]