Restoring Windows Xp Without Cd

Windows XP is a very popular operating system that was released by Microsoft in 2001. However, in April 2014, Microsoft ended support for Windows XP, meaning that the company would […]

Computer Is Running Slow Windows 8

Computer Is Running Slow Windows 8 There are a few things you can do to speed up a computer that is running slow Windows 8. One is to delete temporary […]

How To Wipe A Windows Computer

When you no longer need a computer that’s running Windows, you may want to wipe the drive clean before you sell or give it away. This will erase all your […]

Join A Computer To A Domain

Joining a computer to a domain is a process that allows a computer to be part of a network. The computer is given a unique name and a set of […]

What Is A Server On A Computer

A server is a computer that provides services to other computers, usually on a network. A server can be a file server, which stores files and makes them available to […]

Re Boot A Computer

A computer that is not working right can often be fixed by rebooting it. Rebooting a computer is a process of restarting the computer’s operating system. Rebooting a computer can […]

Windows Media Won’t Burn Cd

Windows Media Wont Burn Cd – If you are having trouble getting Windows Media to burn a cd, there are a few things you can try. The first thing to […]