Computer Chip Shortage Hobbled Industry

Computer chip shortages have been a problem for the industry for the past few years. This has caused companies to have to ration their stock, and has even forced some […]

Computer Chip Shortage Cars

Computer chip shortages are now affecting the automotive industry. The shortage is due to a rise in demand for computer chips used in cars and a decrease in production of […]

Debilitating Shortage Computer Chips Closing

For a number of years now, the computer chip industry has been facing a debilitating shortage of the essential components. This has resulted in major closures and layoffs in the […]

Truck Computer Chip Shortage

The trucking industry is currently experiencing a computer chip shortage that is impacting the entire supply chain. This shortage is affecting the entire trucking industry, from the manufacturers of computer […]

Ford Computer Chip Shortage

The world’s largest carmaker, Ford, is facing a computer chip shortage that is hitting its production lines in North America and Europe. The problem is due to a shortage of […]