What Is Url In Computer

Url stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a specific type of web address that is used to identify a resource on the internet. Every url consists of two main parts: the protocol and the domain name. The protocol specifies the type of communication that is taking place between the two computers, while the domain name identifies the specific website or resource. 

Url addresses are often seen as a series of numbers and letters separated by periods. For example, the url for Google.com is http://www.google.com. This url contains the http protocol, followed by the www.google.com domain name. The url for the Apple website is https://www.apple.com. This url contains the https protocol, followed by the www.apple.com domain name. 

Url addresses can also be used to store files on the internet. For example, the url https://www.dropbox.com/s/abcd1234/file.txt?dl=1 is used to store a text file on the Dropbox website. This url contains the https protocol, followed by the www.dropbox.com domain name, and finally the file.txt filename and ?dl=1 query string. 

Url addresses can be used to open websites in a web browser, or to download files from the internet. They can also be used to send data between two computers.

What is URL in computer example?

A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address of a web page or other online resource. URLs are made up of a domain name (the name of the website), a path (the location of the file on the website), and a filename (the name of the file itself).

For example, the URL for Google.com is http://www.google.com, and the URL for the Google homepage is http://www.google.com/index.html.

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In order to access a web page or other online resource, your computer needs to know the URL for that resource. The URL is entered into the address bar of your web browser, and the browser then connects to the website and retrieves the page or resource.

If you want to view the source code for a web page, you can enter the URL for that page followed by “.html” (e.g. http://www.google.com/.html). This will cause the browser to display the source code for the page instead of the page itself.

What is URL computer answer?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is a specific web address for a page or file on the internet. It is made up of two parts: the protocol and the domain name. The protocol is the type of internet connection, such as http:// or ftp://. The domain name is the website’s name, such as google.com.

How do I find my URL on my computer?

When you create a website, you must first choose a web address for it. This web address, also called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), is a unique string of characters that points to your site’s files and directories. You can find your website’s URL on your computer in a few different ways.

The easiest way to locate your website’s URL is to right-click on the page and select “View Source.” This will open the page’s source code in a new window. Near the top of the code, you will see the full URL of the page.

You can also find your website’s URL in your web browser’s address bar. The address bar is the box at the top of the browser where the web address of the current page is displayed. To see your website’s URL, just hover your mouse over the address bar.

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If you want to find your website’s URL on your computer’s hard drive, you can use a file manager like Windows Explorer or Finder. Just open the file manager and navigate to the folder where your website is located. The URL will be displayed in the address bar at the top of the window.

No matter how you find your website’s URL, it’s important to keep it handy. You may need to copy and paste it into a web browser or email to someone else.

What is the best example of URL?

What is the best example of a URL?

A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a unique identifier for a web page or other online resource. URLs are typically composed of three parts: the protocol, the hostname, and the path. The protocol specifies the type of communication that will take place between the client and the server, while the hostname identifies the server to which the client is connecting. The path specifies the location of the resource on the server.

Some of the most common protocols are HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), which are used to access web pages. The hostname is generally the domain name (e.g. google.com), and the path is generally the path to the web page’s file on the server (e.g. /index.html).

There are many different types of URLs, and the format can vary depending on the protocol and the type of resource. For example, the URL for a PDF document might look something like this:


whereas the URL for a video might look something like this:


There is no one “best” example of a URL, as the format can vary depending on the type of resource. However, some of the most common and well-known URLs use the HTTP protocol and the domain name system.

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What are the 3 types of URL?

There are three types of URLs: absolute, relative, and bookmark.

Absolute URLs are the most complete and include the entire web address. They are used to link to a specific page on a website. For example, https://www.google.com is an absolute URL.

Relative URLs are used to link to pages within a website. They do not include the entire web address, just the path from the website’s home page. For example, /search?q=cats is a relative URL.

Bookmark URLs are used to create shortcuts to websites. They are also known as favorites or bookmarks. For example, https://www.yahoo.com/ is a bookmark URL for Yahoo.

What is a URL used for?

A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator, which is a specific type of web address. URLs are used to identify resources on the web, such as web pages, images, and other files. They are composed of a scheme, host, and path, and can also include additional parameters. Most browsers will automatically fill in the URL for a web page when it is typed into the address bar, but they can also be copied and pasted from other sources.

What is URL used for?

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique address that points to a specific web page or file on the internet. Every website has its own unique URL, which can be typed into a web browser to open the website. URLs can also be used to send emails to websites, which will automatically open the website in a web browser.